News and Events

The Alliance is committed to turning ideas into actions that will protect and promote Boston’s distinct character, and infuse the city with vibrancy and growth. Follow along as we share updates about proposed changes to historic resources and information about upcoming events. 

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Advocacy ALERT: National Register Threatened
Advocacy needed to OPPOSE a rule change to undercut the…
EVENT: 2019 Annual Meeting of Members
Please join us for our Annual Meeting | Registration is…
EVENT: The Restoration of The Mother Church
Boston Design Week Event Boston Design Week March 27-…
EVENT: YA Meet and Greet with Cocktails!
The Alliance’s Young Advisor’s Board is seeking…
Call for Nominations for the 2019…
The Boston Preservation Alliance is now accepting…
Less than Boston
The closing of Durgin Park (1827) following upon Jacob…
Marty Misses the Mark With Citgo Veto, says…
“An icon of the Boston skyline was very nearly protected…
Walsh vetoes Citgo Sign Landmark designation…
Mayor Walsh, Citgo, Related Beal (the developer of the site…
EVENT: Community Meeting on the Northern…
The City of Boston invites you to a Community Meeting…
Meet our newest Young Advisors
The Young Advisors is a board of developing professionals…
Thank you to all our corporate members, including: