News and Events

The Alliance is committed to turning ideas into actions that will protect and promote Boston’s distinct character, and infuse the city with vibrancy and growth. Follow along as we share updates about proposed changes to historic resources and information about upcoming events. 

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Tiny Story: The People's Firehouse
Few places hold the love of the community quite like the…
2020 Preservation Award Nominations Now Open
2020 Preservation Award Nominations Now Open…
POSTPONED EVENT: 2020 Annual Meeting of…
Join us for our Annual Meeting of Members When: …
Alliance Event Updates
In light of concerns with COVID-19, we have postponed…
EVENT: Heart Bombing
Heart Bombing Feb. 15 | 1 — 4 pm |…
Restoration is Climate Action
Originally published in High Profile  Written by…
PLAN: Downtown Scenarios Workshop
Your Voice Needed to Preserve Downtown Boston …
A Preservationist Gift Guide
Is there a preservationist in your life? Or maybe you love…
Boston's Mid-Century Marvels
With the proposed redevelopment of the Hurley Building…
The Boston Preservation Alliance celebrated…
Left to right: Chris Scoville, Board Chair, Greg Galer.…
Thank you to all our corporate members, including: