News and Events

The Alliance is committed to turning ideas into actions that will protect and promote Boston’s distinct character, and infuse the city with vibrancy and growth. Follow along as we share updates about proposed changes to historic resources and information about upcoming events. 

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Tiny Story: Elite's
  38 Warren Street, Roxbury—With a flourishing LGBT…
Announcing our 2020 Preservation Achievement…
Preservation takes many forms and requires many hands.…
Our Booklist for Pride Month
Written by Corinne Muller. Missing Boston’s…
Dorchester Day
By Corinne Muller Every year on the first Sunday in…
Preservation Month: A Very Heartfelt Thank-…
To all those who participated and gave to the Boston…
Our Statement of Solidarity—Black Lives…
Boston Preservation Alliance stands united with the…
Meet Our Summer 2020 Interns
The Boston Preservation Alliance offers internships to…
A Wave of Generosity
Let’s come together to create a wave of generosity for the…
EVENT: The Tale of Two City Halls
When: May 16 Time: 2PM Where: Live on …
Win a Piece of Boston
  Artists from left: Lunch City Studio, Laurea…
Thank you to all our corporate members, including: