News and Events

The Alliance is committed to turning ideas into actions that will protect and promote Boston’s distinct character, and infuse the city with vibrancy and growth. Follow along as we share updates about proposed changes to historic resources and information about upcoming events. 

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EVENT: Heart bombing Highland Park Addition
Virtual Heart Bombing Feb. 1-15  Valentine…
2020 Preservation Gift Guide
Written by Matthew Dickey Is there a preservationist…
Event: Preservation Chatter
The Boston Preservation Alliance and the Young Advisors…
32nd Annual Preservation Achievement Awards
6:00 pm. October 15, 2020. Virtual and open to all.…
Accidentally Wes Anderson
Have you ever experienced the world with Wes Anderson-…
Tiny Story: Elma Lewis and the NCAAA
Written by Mackenzie Barrall. Elma Lewis was the…
Tiny Story: Now + There
Written by Corinne Muller. Photos by Matthew …
Event: Preservation in Action
July 29, 2020 6-7 PM Join our Young Advisors for a…
An Interview with Boston Preservationist…
David Rodrigues is the Manager of Facilities and…
Tunney Lee's Chinatown Atlas
Written by Corinne Muller. Photos by Matthew …
Thank you to all our corporate members, including: