News and Events

The Alliance is committed to turning ideas into actions that will protect and promote Boston’s distinct character, and infuse the city with vibrancy and growth. Follow along as we share updates about proposed changes to historic resources and information about upcoming events. 

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Tiny Story: Explore A Slice Of The Boston…
Written by Ava Yokanovich Photos by Ava Yokanovich Let…
My Boston Home: Roxbury Mini Mansard
Interview with Angela Ward Hyatt Photos courtesy of Angela…
Tiny Story: Memories from the South End
Memories from former South End residents Judith Nee and…
BPA's Executive Director Greg Galer on…
Villa Victoria Church, during its unfortunate demolition…
Tiny Story: Boston Building Resources
Written by Ava Yokanovich Photos by Ava Yokanovich The…
Fifteen Magical Places in Boston
Written by Mackenzie Barrall and Corinne Muller. …
Victory! Budget Increased for Boston…
The Alliance works closely with the Boston Landmarks…
EVENT: Dismantle Preservation
#DismantlePreservation is back from July 26th to July…
EVENT: BSA Existing Buildings
  The Boston Preservation Alliance is excited to…
Tiny Story: The Marliave Restaurant
Written by Jules Spector and Matthew Dickey How does…
Thank you to all our corporate members, including: